I recently made the decision to begin teaching from my home. By next year I'll have all the credentials (i.e. degrees and certificates) I'll need to further my career in music. By next spring, I'll be finished with college finally. Not bad with house, husband, 2 children (and their extra curricular activities) and miles of debt.
When I was layed off at my old job, it destroyed my confidence and made me re-evaluate my direction in life. It seemed as though I was listening to so many people say I couldn't move forward and that I was wasting my time playing and trying to succeed in the industry. Furthermore, it appeared that I was a disappointment to those around me because I was too afraid to go attack head first toward achieving my dreams. Now, FINALLY, I'm making my move in a series of moves to teach at home. When I worked for teaching facilities, my students excelled tremendously. I was amazed at how much they learned and accomplished. I want to be able to use my home as base for learning and show those who are willing to take their abilities to the next level just how much they can surprise themselves. I know I can do this. I have to do this. Or my family will be the ones that suffer . . .
The first lesson is free. If you like it, we can cut a deal. All that matters is both of us get what we came for . . . a better step in the right direction.
Thanks, for kicking me in the butt and making damn sure I don't let myself down.