Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sight Words

In an effort to empirically and scientifically compare the practice and harnessing methods of martial arts to music, I'm learning it mostly relates itself to athletic training. If I work out harder, I play better and perform better. If I challenge myself daily in my workouts and behind the drum set, my level raises higher. My next feet is the mental portion. Like most women, I've been subjected to horrible comments like, "You can't do that; you're a girl" or "Only boys do those things" and my personal favorite: "You can't do that; you're not good enough; you're inept." That last one always made me extremely sad. YOU can't speak to people like that. Unfortunately, that saying always stuck with me since the people whom I respected the most would say things like that to my face. Thankfully, those sayings became the fuel for many of the extracurricular activities I enjoy pursuing. And wouldn't you know it, one of those became a part of my annual income. I'm noticing I'm gaining all my inspiration from Rocky movies. How is it my notion for playing relates to that of a fighter? I know many musicians in my field of experience that often have to fight with their hands and feet to get paid. I wonder if that ideaology is from where this behavior originates? THIS WEEK: DRUMS: Feet curriculum - rebuilding speed with hand and foot timing during DB drills TKD: Focus curriculum - nunchakus; re-learn form in an effort to regain my memory of the movements I studied last year. Man, getting older is a total drag.

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